Happy Birthday to me… Happy Birthday to…. Yeah Whatever

Really late post. I’m 21 today, yay! Finally I can … *thinks*

Do all the things I’ve already been doing…??? I dunno.

It didn’t start out too well what with my phone being under intensive care, but some calls, some texts, and visit from Darkman later…

It’s not bad.

I’m grateful though. Grateful to be alive, well, working, with friends, family and a guy who adores me. What more can a girl ask for??


Happy! Happy! Happy!

So… I’m back. To be fair, I guess I wasn’t gone long enough to be missed online, but at least, I know someone out there missed me… or whatever. My body went all funny on me from last Wednesday. I think it was reacting to me not wanting to be at work, or maybe the general lack of sleep I was suffering from. I was tired and not just feeling anything I was meant to be doing. Thus, I got NOTHING done. Wednesday I got a cough (which hasn’t gone BTW), by night time, I felt ache-y. My mind went to the only thing I could think of… malaria. Come Thursday morning, I woke up late, and found I felt completely fine. I should have juts skived off work, but NOOO, not me. I went to work by 12. The instant I sat down, I felt like crap in a bottle. I couldn’t believe it. I was weak, and unfocused and impatient. By the close of work, I said, screw it, and slept like a baby on Friday morning while my mum fed me with pills. Annoyingly, again, by afternoon, I felt good and popped out to loosen my braids. By night, the cycle repeated. I kept doing this to myself, until Sunday, when I finally decided to just crash, thanks to Actifed. I can honestly say I slept all through Sunday. Guess how I feel now. 🙂

I felt good this morning, despite not liking my outfit too much, and I got to work, to realize just HOW MANY people missed me. Aw… To add to this, I heard some REALLY REALLY good news about our pay. Oh happy day…

There’s one more thing I’m feeling good about, but … (*sing song voice*) I’ll never tell… 🙂

What, Boring? Me?

Hm, the way things are, it seems I’ll have to accept the fact that NOTHING interesting will happen in my life till weekends.

And if my weekends are going to be THIS eventful, then I can deal with it.

Deciding to put away a little staff bus drama from that morning (I’m not sure if it’s okay to talk about it just yet), B and I had plans to go Salsa Friday night, but too many things went wrong, and come 7.15pm I was sitting in the Staff bus again. Sometime that week C had told me about a certain networking thing called S.H.A.R.E.

I was jobless enough to register. B made fun of us, that we were sad and desperate. In ur face! It took some work, but I pulled along an old classmate that works at gtb(I was required to bring a male friend). Saturday, after a hot stint at Computer Village ( I found Adobe CS3 design Premium, HOLY COW), I find out that I had become a statistic when it came to having money ‘stolen’ from you at the ATM…

Let me digress for a moment and send a shout to GTB. You guys SUCK!!!! I mean, you guys have lovely buildings, pretty ATM cards (which is actually what inspired me to open an account while at camp… it was only 500 bucks!) and all that, but the little things apparently are not worth taking time to address, are they? I applied for internet banking quite a while ago, and asked when I would get my pin and stuff, but apparently GTB is ‘sooo cool’, they’ll send it to my box. I was doubtful, but what do I know, right? A week passes. Irritable, I go back, fill the form AGAIN, and am reassured that I’ll get it. No dice. I completely forget about the Internet Banking for like a month, then go to another branch, because I was bored. They’re a little more effective in that branch, and by Monday, I get it. But… one fine day, due to some foolishness on my part, I type in the wrong password a few times. And apparently they can’t tell you that your account will be locked if you do that. So just GUESS what happened next. I went back, and once again was assured that I’d get a reset sent to my box. That was 2 weeks ago. And now, to piss me off more, the ATM apparently debited my account TWICE for one transaction. Unfortunately, the amount it took was ALL of my remaining cash. You a*holes.

Anyway, as I was saying. Saturday evening, C and I hopped in the car with AC (it was sweltering) and went for our ‘meeting’. I was a little concerned at first when I was given WEDDING PLANNER magazine upon sitting down. I mean… weddings are just soo far away from me right now. But it was fun. We engaged in those age-long boy-girl debates. At the end of the day we did a bit of a vote and C apparently won a movie ticket.

Sunday evening I did the same, despite the fact that B and C stood me up. And this time I won something. Yeah, go me. I also found that they were a lot more people who were addicted to Facebook than I thought.

I’m looking forward to this weekend. Independence Weekend! He-llo! 3 days of FUN FUN FUN… or if my dad is being difficult…SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. But first, I have to get through THIS week… Yawn…

Alcohol, Girls & Sand

Hm, so it’s been a bit. This is reaching you from the inner recesses of my office. Yeah, I’m at the office on Sunday. But I didn’t come to work. Shh. Just thought I had to share.

Went for this crazy beach party at Alpha Beach on Saturday. It was aptly titled, ‘Alcohol, Girls & Sand’. I think. All of the above was available in excess. Thanks to the woman-like lateness of K, we didn’t leave Anthony until 2.30. And naturally, cos Lekki just sucks like that, we were in traffic for about 50 minutes. We argued with some area boys near the beach who wanted us to pay 200 bucks a person to get past. Finally we gave them 300 for all of us, and experienced a brief moment of confusion when we couldn’t find the venue. That’s when we saw a convoy of four cars, (which was unmistakably a Babcock affair) and we followed.

It was like a BU Class of 2006 reunion. People from our department, people from other departments, all of whom were supposed to be serving, many of which were not even supposed to be in the state. all there. It was mad. For lack of better words. I saw an old secondary school classmate who, well, looked very different. And from his behaviour (or maybe he was just drunk), he seemed to be seeing me in a whole new light. Most people arrived like 4 or 5, and by that point people were already beginning to get in the ‘spirit’ – in more ways than one. On entering, everyone was given a cup of something, which looked and almost tasted like mouthwash. I had to abandon it. The booze and barbeque were passing around freely, and B, her bf and I watched (and photographed) in safe and sober amusement as the sanity level of the people present gradually degenerated.

K, on one hand, was a tragedy WAITING to happen. He and D came with a rather larger bottle of Smirnoff, and he more or less downed about � of it, mixed with whatever new energy drink they’ve got going on these days. From experience, I know he’s almost gone when he starts going on his knees under the guise of dancing. By 5.30, 6, he’d gone down about 5 times. D was off somewhere clinging to some other guy’s girl and doing weird dance moves. He kept insisting he was alright, but we knew better. He couldn’t even look me properly in the eye. By 6.30, K disappeared, after spending the past 15 minutes randomly staring into space. We’d find out later he went to turn out his insides. Through the wrong way.

I took so many incriminating photos. People were dancing and looking a little crazy, and I wasn’t too inspired to dance, cos almost all the guys were tipsy and I didn’t feel like being groped. B and I made a half-hearted attempt to steal the other D’s Blackberry, and I would find out later that my blog was being ‘watched’. Hey, I gotta express myself, and if you think you’ve been mentioned in the mix. smile, you’re on the World Wide Web. 🙂

We finally left at 7.30pm, wondering how most of the guys there were going to get home in their varied states of drunkenness. We half-carried K to the guy and kept giving him water. B ordered us not to let him try and get home by himself; he finally did at the end, but he was with someone so we knew he won’t be stolen. He slept some of it off in the car. All the way back, D and I laughed, thinking of how much grief we’d give him when he finally sobered up, and all the foolishness the guys at the party were up to. The night ended rather unexpectedly.

It was fun. At least, I had fun watching the madness anyway. And I have PICTURES to prove it. They’ll be up soon. I promise.


The Morning After

Had a great weekend. That’s just the best way to describe it. Well, not counting the fact that it started off with me getting drenched by the rain (check previous post), and somehow being convinced to buy a 3k top off-the-cuff, it ended up rocking. Saturday we had this 1st bday bash for a former classmate. I had actually planed to get out before the party but I’d stayed up till 3 or so watching Heroes, again. I’m so loving that show right now. But anyway,I was dead tired, and we still had to clear out our room, cos of Rat. Pushing away the bed showed that my sister was 99% responsible for the depressing junk we found. Yet she chose to not be too helpful. I tried to avoid an argument cos we seem to be on better, but fragile terms these days, mostly cos of our mutual aversion to rodents.

The party, I ended up following D, cos we lived close by and it made more sense. He came 30 minutes late, and we got stuck in an unusual and annoying amount of traffic, not to mention that we partly got lost. We got 2.45 , a whole 2hrs 45 minutes late, and the guest list still wasn’t up to 15. It was the rain. It took a while to take off, but meanwhile we hung out with B, her bf and K. All of a sudden, around 5, people came swarming in. It was a predominantly Babcock Uni/Computer Dept affair. The DJ was absolute rubbish, however, and it took a lot of complaints before he started playing good stuff. I, was on a personal mission to see how much Gordons Spark I could take before I felt funny. It didn’t take long. By the half way mark of the second one I began to feel sleepy. Go figure. The sleepiness quickly became a strange dizziness/restlessness, and I proceeded to dance non-stop for the next 2 hours. I actually would have liked to experiment with a third bottle, but God probably knew better. The drink finished.

K, mid-dance, proclaimed to me that he was on his sixth big bottle of Heiny. I thought it was funny. It was fun.B had left around 6, but was parked in, and came back for some more. My thighs burned but I didn’t sit down. An old classmate who I used to harass just stood in one corner, watching me grind and wind in amused disbelief. I frankly didn’t give a toss. I hadn’t gotten my groove on in over a year.

Of course, as is always the issue at such events I jammed an admirer who tried to chat me up. But I was still restless and wanted to get back on the floor. He then proceeded to say he was failing in love with me, and I was like NO, man, that was a BAD line. I lied that I was with someone (why doesn’t this EVER work?), and to counter that he thought it would be a good idea to say, ‘U are going to fall in love with me’. RIGHT. I somehow escaped him, and B and D said they would have rescued me, but thought I didn’t need it. Friends.

We all started trickling out about 8.30, some people to go on drinking, me and D to go sleep. Another guy I’ve know for a couple of years now, confessed that he’d had a crush on me for the past 2 years. I knew it. I blame it all on the drink.

We actually got lost in Anthony. Dunno how, but D just proceeded to follow the car in his front til we got to familiar terf. B called me later to ask if I was still hyper. I wasn’t. I was BEAT. But like I told her, i needed that.

I’m paying for it now, though. I actually found the energy to go back to agbara and loosen my hair. I’m so tired man. But I think June was generally a good month. I need more like it.

Hot Waves, Hot Food, Hot Sauce

Yeah, so I wanted to write a nice, long entry about the Lagos Public Transport system, but I’ve decided to do that later.

I had a cool weekend. At least, it was a nice change of pace from my usual “home-on-Friday, sleep-sleep-sleep, work on Monday” routine.

I went for my “alma mater”, Babcock University’s 5th Graduation yesterday. Yes, it was on a Sunday, because of the whole 7-Day Adventist thing. To be really honest, we didn’t really have an intelligent reason to go, and on the way to Shagamu, while waiting for Mr Biggs to open (SOME of us were hungry, and Mr Biggs was apparently out to piss people off by not opening on time), we actually asked ourselves WHY we were going. But we were dressed to the nines and even though we only knew about 4 or 5 people there, and fuel is not only scarce but EXPENSIVE, we zoomed off.

I honestly FORGOT how HOT Babcock was. It took years to park, and none of us was really willing to go in till we did, cos it meant abandoning the air-conditioned confines of the car. Ironically, I only met 3 people I knew that were graduating, but a bunch of us from last year’s set, ‘Platinum Graduating Class of 2006’, thank you very much. Mostly Computer Science babes though. It was amazing how good they looked. You spend 4 years seeing someone dressed to the minimum, short hair, no jewelry, barely existent make-up, baggy skirts… and then you see them all working class a year later; it’s nice. *Sniff* We took so many pictures they practically threw us out of the School Guest Caf. I saw an old friend that still has a year to go; we used to have the best discussions…

But after a few hours, my top was sticking to my back, and my feet hurt from my heels, and we decided it was time to go.

After there, we took an hour’s break at my friend’s and headed off to VI for someone’s mum’s birthday. He was apparently in our class, but I honestly couldn’t remember his face. We were all there for the free food (I’m ashamed to admit). But it was GOOD free food. There were menus, and shockingly efficient waiters. There was meant to be an after party at VGC, but my groove hasn’t reached that level. All day long, the rain poured and poured. On our way out from THAT party, we had to cross the road. And it was flooded. It was torturous. VI needs to address their drainage issues, man. We took off our heels, rolled up our trews, and sloshed through very questionable, murky waters.

And then, on a whim, cos that always happens with my friends, we went salsa dancing. It was fun. I picked up a lot pretty quickly, from this guy, but then another guy attempted to teach me, and pissed me off. I got home around 9, vaguely thrilled. This month looks promising. I got a party next Friday and probably one this Friday. Yeah, go me. Oh, and I got my hair did. It was painful, expensive, but the compliments have been quite rewarding. Mwahaaha.

I’ve realized I’m young, my time with my friends is running out, and I just need to get out more. A friend depressed me again on Saturday, but that’s another entry for another day.


OMG! Everything’s Gone Dark!

New layout, hell yeah! I really loved it when i first designed it sometime Saturday esp the header, but the coding took me YEARS. I almost drove myself crazy with the little irritating bugs. And by this mornig, I had lost my thunder for it, and i swore i would put it up, no matter how off it looked. I fixed most things, but you may or may not notice a few organisational issues. Check back for updates. And because I’m just DUMB, i somehow managed to botch up the previous one so bad I cant use it anymore. Opinions pls.
Anyway, it’s the last day of my working week,so I figure I might as well give an update.
Yesterday was alright, but by the end of the day I found myself quite agitated… okay, upset. Someone had tried to accuse me of being a social failure (not in so many words, but that phrase just kept popping up and wont go away in my head). This is after he asked the usual question, “Do u have a bf yet?” and I told him I was really beginning to get a little… very sick of people acting like I’m an old maid. He then tried to act like I didn’t follow the “General Guidelines to a Social Life”.
Anyway, after that I started sinking into a darker mood, enhanced by the fact that I started flashing back (no, never do that) to some other comments people made. I felt really misunderstood. And impatient.
I don’t have a problem. I cant go off and make a desperate act just so people will get off my case. I don’t know why it’s bugging everyone so much. If it bugs YOU, please keep it to yourself. Or you’re in serious danger of a bad comment. 🙂
Other than that, there’s little activity here. Which is good cos I can research, practice, and get my new blog layout up.:D
Tomorrow’s CD. And me and a friend realised we hadn’t done our usual, Cd then hangout routine, and we missed it. So it’s Spiderman 3 tomorrow then. I’m not a horribly big fan, but I promised myself I’d watch all the blocbusters this summer. 2 months to the DEATHLY HALLOWS!

Dreams & Stairs

So, I woke up this morning slightly chilled. One, because, I had falle asleep with BOTH the fan and the AC on, and i was losing the feeling in my legs. And two, cos I’d had a majorly disturbing dream. You probably won’t think it’s really disturbing. And I HAVE had dreams of a similar nature before, but none have been so long and so … real.

There I was, minding my own business, living in my old house…(mmm, my old house) and next thing i know, I’m pregnant. Funny thing is, it’s showing quite a bit, but according to my calculations, it’s 4 months gone. At first, it’s like, evryone knows about it, and I don’t really mind, cos DUH, it’s showing, but then, I suddenly get scared witless. We’re at this weird talk/seminar thing where Chris Okotie (wtf?!?!) is lecturing/preaching, then he passes round Rhapodies of Realities (ok….) and when we open it, we find phones inside. Free phones. I look up at him, and he smiles. And though grateful, I think the guy must be dishing out a lot of cash giving phones to his audience. Then, as a result of feeling sorry for my “condition”, he gives me this gift-pack of baby stuff. At least, that’s what it’s SUPPOSED to be. It contains an ironing-board, laundry basket, funny pink chiffon stuff….I’m scared to take it home cos my dad would see it. So I “hide” it in the living room (it’s a dream, ok?), while i get a visit from the “father”. Who is apparently a friend of mine. Because it’s just too weird, I’ll elaborate no further. He comes in with another friend, and I pull him away to talk. He’s happy to see me, and I’m like, “DUDE!!!! I’m pregnant!!!! HE-LLLO!!!”You know what he says to me? He says, “Yeah, is there a problem?’ I tell him I don’t want it. And I tell him why. For a while, I actually forget that I’ve finished school. I have a job, a career to build! And I don’t want to be a single mother! Without argument, he says he’ll keep the child when it’s born. I don’t want that either. I didn’t want it to be born at all. I leave him, and find myself seriously considering an abortion. I wake up at this point. it’s a bit summarised though. I dont know why it bugged me, maybe it was the concept or the person involved.On a good note, SOMEONE has finally reduced the airconditioning.

Went to work on May Day, just so that the person that asked me to come by one, won’t show up till 7. I had left 2 hours earlier. Who is she kidding?
One dude caught me attempting to chat yesterday. Ok, I have to complain. Yeah, yeah, chatting at work is “BAD”. WHATEVER. These gits are content enough that I have to check my Yahoo Mail on my phone. They block Messenger. Ok, no big. There are web messengers right? Wrong! They blocked ebuddy last week, but being the genius I am, found another, which I used on Tuesday. Come Wednesday, that was blocked too. What, is there someone just sitting around, Googling web messengers???!!!
But I mustn’t be ungrateful. I get to sit around all day, doing what I do best. And apparently I’m up for some training course. Oh hurray.

Yeah, and I finally figured away around the stairs. Since they only put bathrooms on the ground and 6th floor. And the one on the 6th is at the back, so you would look a little silly using the elevator in the front, then walking to the back. But the back staircase is giving me yams. So, yesterday afternoon, I noticed one of the cleaners entering some hidden elevator at the back. Yes, it’s true. It’s usually hidden by the staircase door. Go figure. I felt like I had found hidden treasure. I dont have to walk up stairs AND the elevator opens right in front of the lav! Hurray!